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Samwoo F&G QA Document Management Training Review 본문


Samwoo F&G QA Document Management Training Review

(주)삼우F&G 2024. 11. 8. 11:35




Document management in 3PL compnies is extremely important.


However, most 3PL companies do not provide proper training in document management, which causes numerous issues for clients.


Therefore, samwoo F&G regularly provides document management training for our staff.




Document Management procedure


The document management procedure covers all stages from document creation, review, and approval to distribution, maintenance, revision, and ultimately disposal.


Types of documents at Samwoo F&G include quality manuals, SOPs, and quality forms.




There are five methods for form completion, and adhering to these forms ensures easy identification over time and prevents them from becoming issues in audits.


Samwoo F&G adheres to the document management processes outlined in our client's SOPs


For example, we complete  the Inbound Inspection Report and Receiving Exception form as specified.


Additionally, Samwoo F&G provides continuous feedback using examples of incorrect practices to ensure there are no disruptions to operations.


Please note that due to the inclusion of confidential and specialized knowledge, some information has been removed or redacted.



While reviewing Samwoo F&G's QA Document Management Training :)


Concerned about audits or document management?


Want better logistics services than ever?


Please contact us via the number or emails below. 


Thank you



3PL Sales Team

Hankyung Lee, Team Leader (010-2981-3748)

Email: hklee@samwoofg.co.kr


Haram Jung, Senior Staff

Email: hrjung1@samwoofg.co.kr